10 on-demand lessons covering core modules.
View the course pages to discover the modules in each course.
The Mini MBA in Brand Management
Virtual Open Day
As marketers, we know the importance of investing in long-term brand building as well as short-term sales activation to achieve business growth. However, investing in brand management training is still not a priority for some. Don’t let this be you.
We are running a Mini MBA in Brand Management Virtual Open Day on 22 August and you’re invited…
Learn about the course structure, who our 8,000+ alumni are and what they have to say about the course, and ask your professor, Mark Ritson, as many questions as you can in our live Q&A.
Whether you are an experienced brand manager or look after a brand as part of your wider marketing role, the Mini MBA in Brand Management will make you more confident and effective in your role.
Register on the right-hand side and don’t worry if you’re not able to watch live, we’ll share the on-demand video with all registrations.
Interested in our other courses? We are running a Mini MBA in Marketing Open Day on 15 August and a Mini MBA in Management Open Day on 29 August.
Course features
The Mini MBA courses provide the skills you need to stand out as a marketer.
10 on-demand lessons covering core modules.
View the course pages to discover the modules in each course.
Regular Q&A sessions take place on each course.
Ask your questions, then watch on demand or listen back in podcast format.
MBA standard end of term assessment.
The exams have been specifically created to put each course’s learning into practice.
Access to the Mini MBA Alumni Network
Connect with fellow marketers, and receive continued access to all of the course resources.
Our courses
An introduction to the courses.
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